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(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Govt of India.)
(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Govt of India.)
Archana’s research interests mainly are mainly Gender studies, Team Development and Behaviour in the workplace. Within this, her focus is on team conflict and work atmosphere, glass ceiling, and gender pay gap and team dynamics. She has also contributed to the psychological well-being and psychological empowerment issues of employees. Recently in, her interests include hard HRM areas like forced labour, child labour and Violence Against Women and Girls.
Research Areas:
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Teaches the core courses of Organization behaviour and Human Resource Management
Current Position
Assistant Professor in the area of OB and HRM), Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bengaluru
Academic Experience
Full time Faculty in the area of OB and HRM from 2002 –Till date
Research Projects
1. Effective Implementation of Plantation Labor Act 1956 through Gender intelligence, ICSSR IMPRESS-Archana T
2. Evaluation of HRD Scheme in Spices for Medium Term Framework(2017-18 to 2019-20) of Spices Board:Archana Thulaseedharan
3. Evaluation of Establishment and Works for Medium Term Framework(2017-18 to 2019-20) of Spices Board:Archana Thulaseedharan and Venugopal.G
4. Development of State of Sector Document -Tea, Cardamom, Coffee, Forest plantation, Oil palm plantation under GoI- GEF-UNDP India High Range Mountain Landscape project, Munnar, Kerala : Sarbani Mukherjee, Archana Thulaseedharan,Ganesh kumar, K.C Prakash
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