Admissions Open for AY 2025-2026 (The application deadline for the PGDM-ABPM/FPBM/AEBM 2025-27 programs has been extended to 31st March, 2025)

(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Govt of India.)

(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Govt of India.)


Published in Times of India / Vijayavani Dated: 22-01-2025
Employment News (scheduled for publication on 01-02-2025)


(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)


Indian Institute of Plantation Management (IIPM) – an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, to facilitate management education, training, research and consultancy for agribusiness, commodities and plantation sector. The institute is co-sponsored by the Commodity Boards, viz. Tea Board, Coffee Board, Rubber Board & Spices Board and Plantation Associations viz. UPASI and ITA.

The Institute has educational membership with the international accreditation agencies viz. European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD-Brussels) and Permanent Accreditation from the Higher Learning Accreditation Commission of Texas (HLACT-Texas). IIPM has been recognized by AICTE-MoE-GoI as a technical institution and its PGDM-ABPM program is accredited by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi and obtained MBA Equivalence from Association of Indian Universities (AIU)-New Delhi.

IIPM has been awarded “2012 World Education Congress Award”; “2012 Asian Learning & Leadership Development Award”; “2014 National Education Leadership Award”; “2015 DNA Innovative B-School Award”; “2015 Education Excellence Award”; “2016 National Education Excellence Award”; “2017 Best Institution in Agri-Business Management Award”, “2017 Indian Agribusiness Excellence Award”, “2018 Education Leadership Award”, “2019 India’s Most Trusted Education Award”,  “2020 Best Educational Institute Award”, “ 2024 Outstanding Institute Award” and “2024 Academic Leadership Award” for outstanding contribution to the cause of learning, education and training for working professionals.

The institute is offering following AICTE-MOE-GoI approved Professional Management Programs:

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management: Agribusiness & Plantation Management (PGDM-ABPM)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management: Food Processing & Business Management (PGDM-FPBM)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management: Agricultural Export & Business Management (PGDM-AEBM)
  • Fellow Program in Management (FPM-D.)

Apart from the above academic programs, Institute regularly conducts Management Development Programmes (MDPs), & Professional Certificate Programmes (PCPs) and undertakes intensive sector-specific research & consultancy assignments.

Centre’s of Excellence

The Institute has established following Centre’s of Excellence under the sponsorship of Commodity Boards of India and the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India:

  • Center for Tea Tasting and Marketing (CTTM)
  • Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE)
  • Spices Exporters Entrepreneurship Facility (SEEF)
  • Center for Sustainability and Climate change ( CSE)
  • National Center for Export Management Research and Studies (NCEMRS)
  • Center for Export Promotion in Agri-plantation (CEPA)

The institute has established global linkages with the following Management Institutions/Universities for Academic, Training and Research collaboration:

  • Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, UK
  • Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA)
  • Harper Adams University, Newport, United Kingdom
  • Rwanda Institute of Co-operatives, Entrepreneurship and Micro-Finance (RICEM), Rwanda
  • The German Agricultural Training Centres (DEULA), Nienburg,Germany

Applications are invited from distinguished professionals / academic administrators with high level competence for the position of Director, Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bengaluru.

Leadership Qualities:

The Director should be an aspirational leader with the vision of making IIPM a globally recognized institute. She/he must have a history of delivering step change results and exhibiting broad-based collaboration. She/he must be passionate and energetic, with a clear vision and hands-on humility to execute it. The Institute is looking for an eminent academician with outstanding academic credentials from an educational institution or business school of repute. The candidates must have a good track record of accomplishments in academics, including extensively published research of global quality, strong industry-connect, and proven administrative leadership experience. Candidates from an industry to have reasonable exposure to teaching and research at premier educational institutes.

The High Level Search-Cum-Selection Committee (HLSCSC) invites applications and nominations received from the eminent persons from industry or reputed educational institutes.

The responsibility of the Director is to provide academic leadership and administration to the Institute under overall guidance of a highly distinguished Board of Governors. She/he must have experience in implementing new initiatives, fund raising from the centre of excellence, research, Management Development Programs (MDP’s) and also experience in partnership with global university and experience in establishing partnering with Industry.


Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The applicant should not be more than 60 years of age as on 28th Feb 2025.
  2. The applicant should have at least 15 years of teaching/research experience. She/he should have been a full Professor at a reputed educational institution for at least 7 years and have at least 5 years of experience in the administrative capacity.
  3. The applicant should have outstanding academic credentials with a Ph.D. Degree from a reputed institution with a First Class degree at Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. The applicant should have produced extensive research of global standards and publications in ABDC/WoS/SCOPUS index.
  4. Applicant must be an Indian citizen or Overseas Citizen of India (OCI).
  5. The Director of IIPMB would have the responsibility of improving quality of its academic programs, research, and bringing it up to global standards. The applicant should have the experience of institution-building, commanding strategic vision and be passionate about enhancing the quality of a premier institution that reflects the talent, energy and potential of an emergent India.


Process of Selection:

The Director shall be appointed based on the recommendations of High Level Search-cum-Selection Committee (HLSCSC). The Search Committee shall consider applications fulfilling the above criteria, received in response to this advertisement as well as nominations received from eminent persons in the field of management/management education. An outside HR agency may also be hired for soliciting more applications/nominations.

Appointment Terms and Conditions:

The Director shall be appointed by the IIPM Board for a five-year term, as per the terms and conditions of the IIPM Rules. Selected candidates shall have a tenure of appointment for five years or until attaining the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier. The appointment, tenure and performance review will be guided by the IIPM executive / administrative rules and Institute regulations as applicable.

The HLSCSC shall have full discretion in shortlisting the applicants and conducting the process of Search for the Director.

The Director’s performance will be reviewed by IIPM Board of Governors midway through the tenure.


The Director is entitled to the pay scale in level 17 (i.e. Rs.2,25,000/-). The pay carries all other allowances comparable to 7th CPC. The fringe benefits such as HRA, LTC, medical & education allowance, financial support towards national and international conferences, etc., shall be permitted as per Institute norms for regular employees.

Application Procedure: 

Qualified and Interested applicants may submit their applications by email to with details in the format provided on the Institute’s website. The hardcopy of filled-in application along with enclosures clearly mentioning “Application for the post of Director, IIPM Bengaluru” on the envelope may be sent to:


The Convenor

High Level Search-cum-Selection Committee (HLSCSC)

Indian Institute of Plantation Management

Jnana Bharathi Campus, Post. Mallathahalli

Bengaluru 560056, Karnataka, INDIA



Applications must be received before 5.00 PM (IST) on 28th February 2025.

Other Conditions: 

  1. The applications are liable to be rejected if complete details are not provided in the applications.
  2. This office is not responsible for postal or other kinds of delays.
  3. Persons employed in Government / Semi-Government Organizations or Educational Institutions should apply through proper channel. It should be certified by the Employer that the particulars furnished by the candidate are correct and that no disciplinary case is pending or contemplated against him/her. They shall provide “No Objection Certificate” while applying or at the time of interview.
  4. In case a candidate is selected from a Government institution, then vigilance clearance from the parent organization has to be submitted.
  5. The High Level Search-cum-Selection Committee reserves its right to consider deserving candidates on nomination basis as well. Such nominations, giving the requisite details, should be sent to before 28th February 2025.
  6. Mere fulfilment of the qualifications/eligibility and experience laid down does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview or his/her final selection.
  7. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  8. The HLSSC reserves the right to fill or not to fill the advertised post. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final and binding.
  9. HLSSC reserves the right to screen and call only such candidates as are found prima-facie suitable for being considered by the shortlisting/selection committee.
  10. The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect/false the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated.
  11. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication including appointment offer made to the candidate.
Click here for Application Form

Published in Business Line on 19-12-2024 (PAN India)


(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)


Applications are invited from academicians and industry professionals for the following positions on regular (or) contractual basis:

1. Professor in the area of Finance & Accounting
2. Assistant Professors in the area of General Management, OB & Human Resources Management, and Business Analytics

Applicants should hold Ph.D. or equivalent in appropriate branch with first class in the preceding degree in concerned/relevant discipline with excellent academic record throughout. Publications in ABDC/ABS/SCOPUS/WoS listed and indexed journals is essential.

For details visit

Last date: 10th January 2025


Date: 18.12.2024

Notification No.13/2024


Those who have applied earlier need not re-apply.

IIPM Bengaluru was established in November 1993 by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MoC&I), Government of India, as an autonomous educational institute of higher learning. During the initial years, the institute closely worked with the plantation industry and Commodity Boards of India (CBI) for the development of the agri-plantation sector. IIPM conducted industry need-based short-duration capacity building and training programs for the stakeholders of the Agri-plantation sector that included planters, corporate managers, executive members of plantation associations, small and medium entrepreneurs, officials, and scientists of the Commodity Boards of India, Ministries of Government of India, and officials of the State Development departments.

To meet the demand of the fresh graduates for customized academic programs in the Agri-plantation sector, IIPM introduced a 15-month PG program in Agribusiness and Plantation Management in the academic year 2000-01 for new entrants in the plantation sector, which was later converted into a 24-month AICTE approved Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) in Agribusiness and Plantation Management (PGDM-ABPM). Subsequently, introduced two other PGDM programs viz., Food Processing and Business Management (PGDM-FPBM), and Agricultural Export and Business Management (PGDM-AEBM). The institute also offers Fellow Program in Management (FPM) aimed to develop accomplished and ethical researchers in the field of agribusiness, plantation, food and allied areas. IIPM is a self-revenue generating Institute and the revenue is generated through students’ fee and organizing MDP/Project/Consultancy programs by the faculty members.

Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bengaluru invites applications from academicians and industry professionals for the following positions on regular or contractual basis:

  • Professor in the area of Finance & Accounting
  • Assistant Professors in the area of General Management, OB & Human Resources Management, and Business Analytics

Candidates are expected to contribute to the Institute’s Post Graduate Programs, FPM (Ph.D), Executive Education, Research, Training Programs ad establishment of Center of Excellence (CoE).

Pay scale (7 CPC) and eligibility criteria for the Faculty positions is furnished below:

Professor: Academic Pay Level 14: Rs.1,44,200-2,11,800 with Entry Pay of Rs.1,44,200

Candidate should have Ph.D. or equivalent in appropriate branch with a first class in the preceding degree in concerned/relevant discipline and excellent academic record throughout. Minimum of 10 years teaching/research/ industrial experience of which at least 5 to 6 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IIMs (or) at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign institution/institutions of comparable standards (experience during Ph.D. will not be counted).

Demonstrate commitment to outstanding teaching, executive education, research & consultancy service (highlighting current & past research interests and achievements) and possess a history of significant success in fund generation & resource development. Rigorous standards of professional achievement, ethical behaviour and research publications in concerned discipline during the tenure. Research publications in ABDC/ABS/SCOPUS/WoS listed and indexed journals are essential.

Essential Qualification: Applicants should hold Ph.D. or equivalent in appropriate branch, MBA with specialization in Financial Management, (consistent academic track record of First Class) with excellent academic record in the relevant field.

Desirable: Preference would be given to the candidates having research / academic experience in Modern Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, including Commodity Derivatives.

Assistant Professor:

Applicants should hold Ph.D. or equivalent in appropriate branch with a first class in the preceding degree in concerned/relevant discipline with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum 3 to 4 years of teaching/research/industrial experience (excluding experience gained while pursuing Ph.D) in reputed national or foreign institutions of comparable standards. Rigorous standards of professional achievement, ethical behavior and research publications such as books/research papers/policy papers and experience of guiding Ph.D. scholars. Research publications in ABDC/ABS/SCOPUS/WoS listed and indexed journals are essential.

Essential Qualification: Applicants should hold Ph.D. or equivalent in appropriate branch, MBA with the above mentioned specialization (consistent academic track record of First Class) with excellent academic record in the relevant field.

Desirable: Preference would be given to the candidates having research/ academic/ industry experience in the relevant field.



Pay Level

Assistant Professor Grade-I

To be placed in Pay Level 12

Minimum Basic Pay of 1,01,500/-

Assistant Professor Grade-II

To be placed in Pay Level 11

Minimum Basic Pay of 68,900/-

Assistant Professor (on contract)

(Having no post-Ph.D. work experience)

To be placed in Pay Level 10

Minimum Basic Pay of 57,700/-

Interested applicants possessing required qualifications and experience may fill the application electronically, with the required attachments: a cover letter, a complete CV, the teaching, research & training plan, names of two recommenders (at least one from immediate employer) with contact details and recent publications/ working papers.

Online application form: Click Here

For further queries, if any, please write to:


1) Incomplete applications in any respect will not be considered by the Institute.

2) Papers published ONLY in ABDC/ABS/SCOPUS/WoS listed and indexed journals will be considered for shortlisting of applications for faculty position.

3) Persons employed in Government / Semi-Government Organizations or Educational Institutions should apply through proper channel. It should be certified by the Employer that the particulars furnished by the candidate are correct and that no disciplinary case is pending or contemplated against him/her. They shall provide “No Objection Certificate” while applying or at the time of interview.

4) Reservation Policy of Government of India shall be applicable for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD candidates.

5) The pay carries all other allowances comparable to 7th CPC. The fringe benefits such as HRA, LTC, medical & education allowance, financial support towards national and international conferences, etc., shall be permitted as per Institute norms for regular employees.

6) The Institute will communicate only with short-listed candidates. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview. The decision of the Application Review and Selection Committee is final and binding.

7) Mere fulfillment of the qualifications/eligibility and experience laid down does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview or his/her final selection.

8) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

9) The institute reserves the right to screen and call only such candidates as are found prima-facie suitable for being considered by the Shortlisting/Selection Committee.

10) The institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement and other academic achievements.

11) Institute reserves the right to consider to fill or not to fill any or all the posts advertised. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final and binding.

12) The Institute reserves its right to make the selection, increase or decrease the number of posts and its title or cancel the recruitment procedure to any post or all posts without any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof and the decision of the Institute in this regard shall be final.

13) Candidates are required to bring interview call letter at the time of interview along with the copies of the relevant certificates in original for verification.

14) All qualifications must be from UGC recognized University/Deemed University or AICTE approved autonomous institution (wherever applicable). The courses offered by autonomous institutions should be equivalent to the relevant course approved/recognized by Association of Indian University (AIU).

15) Relaxation in qualification, age and experience/higher start in the time scale may be considered in the case of exceptionally bright and deserving candidates.

16) For regular appointments, there would be a probation period of two to three years.

17) Depending on the academic credentials of the candidate, the Institute may consider them for an offer on a contractual basis. Exceptional candidates may be considered for regular position. Candidate can be considered for contractual position as well. If appointed regular, probation norms will apply. If appointed on contract, a fixed consolidated salary commensurate with pay band and grade pay.

18) The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect/false the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated.

19) In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication including appointment offer made to the candidate.

Last date for submission of application form is 10th January 2025


Candidates are advised to visit IIPM website regularly for updates, amendments. Corrigenda (if any) will be placed on the Institute website only.



(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for contractual position of Consultant (Agricultural Export) to serve for Karnataka Government funded project for a period of 2 years.

For more details please visit institute website  Interested candidates may email their CV to:

The Director

Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bengaluru
(An Autonomous Organization of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GoI)
Jnana Bharathi Campus, Malathalli Post, Bengaluru 560 056

Ph: +91-80-23211716 (EPABX)


Date: 03.09.2024

Notification No.10/2024




No. of Position: 1

Domain: Export oriented – Production / Product Management / Cluster Development

Qualification: Post Graduate in Agriculture / Horticulture and allied sciences / Food Technology / Food processing engineering or related subjects / Agricultural technology management.

Experience: Minimum 5 years of in export oriented crop production programme, setting up crop clusters with knowledge in global gap and other certification standards, labelled chemicals, traceability, MRL requirement for export, record keeping, quarantine requirements. Experience of working with FPOs / Farmer Groups and expertise in post-harvest Management techniques for export markets. Knowledge in Kannada (Read and Write) is essential. The candidate is expected to work at field level for promotion of export.

Age: The candidates preferably in the age group of 35 to 45 years. For deserving candidates age limit may be relaxed. 



No. of Position: 1

Domain: Quality Management System (QMS) & Pack House Operations

Qualification: Graduation / Post Graduation with Diploma or Certification related to QMS.

Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience in Quality Assurance / Quality Control Position related to Export of Agricultural and allied products. Food Safety Standards, Laboratory Testing, Pack House Operations with specific knowledge in Vapour Heat Treatment, Irradiation, Chemical Treatment, Package requirement for exports etc. Knowledge in Kannada (Read and Write) is essential. The candidate is expected to work at field level for promotion of export.

Age: The candidates preferably in the age group of 35 to 45 years. For deserving candidates age limit may be relaxed.



No. of Position: 1

Domain: International Business Development and Facilitation to Agri export start-ups/ FPOs

Qualification: Graduation / Post Graduation with Diploma or Certification related to International Business

Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience in Agri Export House. Extensive travel experience within and outside the Country related to Agri- export. Knowledge about marketing / Digital marketing of agriculture / horticulture produce of Karnataka in overseas market and Export requirement and specifications of agriculture commodities for various importing countries. Experience in organizing business delegation meetings and Buyer Seller meetings for overseas markets. Knowledge and experience in EXIM Management Services (Export logistics, Customs Clearance, Export Documentation etc.), Experience in International logistics and supply chain management. Knowledge of carrying out export market research abroad. Experience of participation in International Agri / food related trade fairs. Knowledge in Kannada (Read and Write) is essential. The candidate is expected to work at field level for promotion of export.

Age: The candidates preferably in the age group of 35 to 45 years. For deserving candidates age limit may be relaxed.

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